Joanie Solaini

Acutonics practitioner and teacher

Joanie was drawn to gongs and the transformative power of sound years ago at a healing conference in San Francisco. Joanie is a Certified Acutonics® Practitioner working with humans and horses, and a Licensed Acutonics® Teacher bringing the certification to the UK and Europe.  Acutonics is an integrative modality using planetary frequencies on acupuncture points and in the field. She studied Equine Structural Integration and is also a Reiki Master and an acupuncturist (CertAcHAC).   Other certification studies include Transformative Medicine, and most recently, Autonomic Response Testing (ART) with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt at the Klinghardt Institute.  All of this work reaches for the clearer understanding and most ebullient expression of our life force. Joanie continues to learn and has benefitted by working with teachers such as Mitch Nur, Michael Tamburo, Aidan McIntyre, and Don Conreaux, and studied the pounding and forging of singing bowls, gongs and other instruments with master-of-the-craft Ton Akkermans.  

For more information check out her website at