Claire Kaye
Executive Coach, General Practitioner (GP)
Dr Claire Kaye is an Executive Career Coach specialising in career development and peri/menopause in the workplace. She is also a former GP, a Keynote Speaker, an award-winning Educationalist, and a Mum of 3. Claire is passionate about empowering people to thrive in the workplace. She offers 1-2-1 coaching, group coaching, workshops, seminars, podcasts and has an active community on social media. Claire also runs a successful social media campaign, #careerinspiration, which features women with flourishing careers. Claire helps clients reach their potential by enabling them to create opportunities, open doors, network, overcome blocks and embrace what they really want at each stage of their life.
For access to lots of FREE resources and tips follow Claire on Instagram @drclairekayecoaching, LinkedIn @drclairekaye or check out her website